P.O. Box 230181, Brooklyn, NY 11223

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Build brand awareness, increase your client base, and improve revenue stream with support from our professional experts assisting various medical offices and hospitals. Be part of the expertise that this audience knows and counts on.

We partner with you to develop strategies to achieve long-term productive and rewarding partnerships.

Advertise WITH US

Let the 200,000 readers get to know your services and become more aware of your brand. Partnership with our popular magazines like Medical Office, 4Health, Home Doctor, and Wellness can help develop service awareness, increase client base, and improve revenue stream. And, MOO Publishing’s professional media consulting team will help you every step of the way to achieve your goals!

What You Will Get

Coverage in over 5,000 locations in the New York metro area
Estimated monthly readership of over 200,000
Expand your reach to Russian-American and American markets in New York and New Jersey areas
FREE listing in standard directory for medical professionals
Best editorial content on the Russian market
Bonus: A full page advertorial of your services
Sufficient supply of FREE Medical Office magazine issues to your office monthly
Quality design, translation, and article editing
Generate more patient leads than from any other similar publication